19 Excuses people make for not doing research

Sanne Burger

20 April 2020

1. When you can’t trust the news, the WHO and the government then you can’t trust anyone.

Incorrect. There are in fact many reliable reporters, researchers, journalists, specialists and doctors out there who give you the facts and explain what those facts mean. You just need to make the effort to find them, as usually you won’t find them on mainstream media.

2. It is impossible to know the truth. The truth is too complicated.

Incorrect. The truth is right in your face, if you would only dare to look. It’s not very complicated either and you definitely have the skills to know it. For example; start with your gut feeling or with your logic.

3. We have no means to discern between real news and fake news.

Yes, we do have. There’s a huge difference! For example; fake news is mostly based on fear and tries to convince you of an enemy or an imminent threat by employing manipulation and traceable lies. Real news has real sources, real people and real information. It’s actually really easy to discern between the two, once you have seen through the propaganda.

4. Well, isn’t it obvious what’s going on? Haven’t you seen the footage of the IC departments in hospitals around the world?

Yes, I have seen the footage and what was shown on the news was completely different from what was shown by individual researchers who went to look for themselves. News: Full IC’s. Individual people: Empty IC’s. A good example of point 3.

5. Well, I guess you don’t know anybody who’s sick or who works in a hospital.

In fact I do but that doesn’t prove what disease they have, why they have gotten sick and whether their treatment was necessary or helpful. Don’t you wonder how it’s possible that death rates relating to heart disease, cancer and other fatal diseases have dropped dramatically since previous years?

6. Well, they wouldn’t implement these measures for nothing, would they?

Absolutely correct. But the measures taken are not to protect us from a lethal disease. Look at the statistics for India or Sweden for example. In countries without social distancing (India) or without lockdown (Sweden), by choice or because of the impossibilities, the numbers are either average or less that average. This means that the measures taken are for reasons other than protecting our health.

7. The government wants the best for us. They know what they are doing.

Some do and some don’t. Many just follow orders, others are more actively engaged in the manipulation of the media and therefore you. Most governments have a different agenda to the one they present to the news.

8. But look at the numbers! So many people have been diagnosed, are sick or dying. How can you doubt the numbers?

Because the numbers are bodged. Check point 5 and also consider the fact that the PCR test being used worldwide can only test for the presence of a virus, not the presence of Covid-19 (there are numerous viruses on this planet) and not the number of virus cells in the blood. Virus cells exist in the blood of up to 99% of human beings, that’s normal. You don’t get sick from it. FACT.

9. We have fact checkers on social media who filter the fake news so there’s no need in doing so myself.

The so called independent fact checkers on Facebook are paid for by Bill Gates and George Soros, the very same people who fund the WHO. Can’t you imagine that they would remove posts that go against the advice of the WHO if it is these individuals who secure the biggest funding for the WHO?

10. The economic crisis is terrible but it is necessary to save lives. Therefore, there’s nothing we can do about it.

Incorrect. The effect does not prove the cause (Aristotle). The economic crisis was an anticipated and planned result of the current global situation and one of the reasons why they orchestrated it in the first place. The economic crisis has already killed more people than Covid-19 will ever do and death rates will rise sufficiently. Ask yourself how lives are really saved.

11. If you don’t submit to the measures, you don’t care about the people.

On the contrary. If you care about the people then you do your research and find out how the most innocent and vulnerable amongst us are victims to this political game. Do your research, if not for yourself then for the ones you love and find out what will really help the people. Submission has never helped anyone but those in power.

12. I’m not a doctor so my opinion doesn’t count. I’m just waiting and praying for a vaccine.

Incorrect. You are smart enough to understand the basics of health and medicine. That is enough of an understanding to be able to discern that a lot of what you’ve been told about Covid-19 is a load of crap. Also, when it comes to vaccines, do you know who earns the most when a new vaccine is discovered? Yes, Bill Gates, the main sponsor of the WHO. What a coincidence, don’t you think?

13. What does it matter? Why should I have to know what’s going on? I can’t change it anyway.

It matters because this is about your life, your health, your freedom and that of your children and grandchildren. It’s about truth, justice, protecting the poor and the innocent. It’s about everything that makes life worth living. It matters because you could change it if you pulled yourself out of your lethargy, your inertia and your indifference. Get off your lazy ass and DO something! Doing your own research is just the start!

14. I don’t need to know. It’s all good. It’s all meant to be. I just take it as it comes.

What kind of new age bullshit and spiritual bypassing is this? Have you given up your basic instinct, your understanding of right and wrong, your capacity to think? Are you happy with being so ignorant? Do you know how cruel it is to say this? Do you realise how cowardly it is to suddenly take an eagle’s eye perspective and just ignore the suffering around you?

15. The truth is depressing. I don’t want to know.

Do you know what is more depressing? To see beauty disappear from the face of the earth or to see the innocent and pure being crippled. This wouldn’t be necessary if less people would look away but they don’t, they lack the backbone to look the truth in the eye and stay upright! Why not be braver, bolder and stronger and do something about it?

16. I’m not interested. I’m happy and content with how things are.

Okay then. When you are ready to join us, you will know. We will be waiting for you with open arms.

17. I don’t believe in conspiracies.

What is that supposed to mean? Does it mean that you don’t believe in the possibility that groups of people come together and make plans to exploit, abuse and manipulate other demographics? All the while pretending to help the very people that they hinder! In which cave have you been living for the past 2000 years?

18. What is there to research? This is business as usual and shit like this happens all the time!

Incorrect. A fake, global pandemic on this scale with such extreme measures, such lies and such a devastating impact on so many people simultaneously, has never happened before. You are witnessing a shift in reality that is epic and historic in every sense. It could go very wrong or very right but to say that there is nothing going on just shows incredible blindness.

19. But the truth makes me emotional. I get so sad, angry, scared and worried by it. It gives me insomnia. I don’t know how to handle it!

Well, you better get over yourself then! If there is ever a time in your life when it matters, when it makes a difference whether you pull yourself together or not, it is now! Wake up and step up! Deal with your emotions, your pain and your agony, no matter how hard or uncomfortable it is for you. Learn how to handle the truth! Learn how to strengthen yourself, look for support and find out what you can do to help out. The only limitation is in what you believe.

Come on humankind
Wake up!
We need you
We need you now!

Sanne Burger

Art: Pattypat Art


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