Peace on earth

Sanne Burger

15 August 2022


We are going to forget
We are going to forget how it feels to make love
We are going to forget the smell of spring
We are going to forget how it feels to ride a bike
To carry a child
To laugh at a joke

We are going to forget how an apple tastes like
The sweetness of strawberries
We are going to forget the ever changing colors of the forest
How birds look like
The wrinkles in our mother’s face

We are going to forget dancing and hugging
We are going to forget how it feels to be unconcerned
We are going to forget running and jumping
And arguing
Believing in something so much that you are willing to fight for it
We are going to forget how it feels to fight for a cause

We are going to forget to regret
To be ashamed
To be embarrassed
To be confronted
We are going to forget how it feels to face our darkness
To learn from our mistakes

We are going to forget the relief of being recognized for who we are
We are going to forget how it feels to have a goal
Having ambition
Having dreams
We are going to forget how it feels to grieve
How it feels to have our hearts broken
We will forget that we have a heart

We will forget the euphoria of music
The temptation of lust
The romance of falling in love
That feeling in your gut when you look into your lover’s eyes

Nothing dramatic will happen
There will not be a dramatic shift from one reality into another
We will just slide into oblivion without really noticing it
Because it is such a gradual process
Stretched out over several centuries

We will slowly slowly become more and more tired
More and more apathetic
As oxygen levels go down, our bodies will slowly deteriorate
Our minds will become more and more dysfunctional
Brain fog will be the new normal

We will become forgetful
We will start to vegetate
We will be too tired to go out
Too tired to take action
Too lazy to connect
Too heavy to think clear

We will become followers
Obedient, numb, indifferent followers
We will live absolutely worthless lives
Because we don’t remember how it feels to live a worthy life
An exciting life
A beautiful life
A meaningful life

We will no longer recognize beauty
Because we will be locked up in a concrete box
Where there is no beauty

We will be isolated from nature
We will be isolated from one another
We will be isolated from ourselves
We will forget how a tree looks like
How a rose looks like
How a daisy looks like

Nothing will interest us anymore
Nothing will turn us on anymore
Nothing will outrage us anymore
As we slowly slip into oblivion
As we slowly slip into death

We will stop laughing
We will stop crying
We will stop caring
We will no longer be human
We will say: life is much better now
As we don’t feel any pain anymore
As we don’t feel anything anymore

We will forget what love feels like
We will forget what hate feels like
We will pay a high price for peace

Unless we wake up

Sanne Burger

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