Please tell me when I’m losing it
Please tell me when I start forgetting things
Please tell me when I am no longer honest, without realizing it
Please tell me when my ego overtakes and I start saying things, just to show off
Please tell me when I lie
Please tell me when I start repeating the same story, over and over again
Please tell me when I don’t make sense anymore
Please tell me when I am boring
Please tell me, when what I say doesn’t hold any truth anymore
Please tell me when I am making a fool of myself
Please tell me when I become a walking cliché
Please tell me when I’m justifying injustice
Please tell me when I no longer listen
Please, help me to realize that
Please tell me when I am too full of myself
Please tell me when I am getting defensive
Please tell me when I overreact
Please tell me when I am no longer capable of putting things into perspective
Please tell me when I speak from a place of fear or pride
Please tell me where my blind spots are
Please tell me when I lack valid information
Please tell me when I am wrong
Please, love me enough to tell me the truth
Please, be honest and straight with me
Please, don’t spare me
Sanne Burger