The power of suggestion

Sanne Burger

15 December 2021

Is it cruel to take away people’s illusions and beliefs?

I remember when I discovered Santa Claus did not exist. I was six. I had thought it through and I was certain. It was just impossible. Elated I shouted through the classroom: “Santa Clause does not exist!”
I was proud having looked through the lie. However, nobody listened and the teacher called me in.
“You mustn’t do that,” he said. “Don’t you see how happy all these children are with Santa Claus? Don’t take their belief away from them. You’ll be a real party pooper.”
That day I learned that sometimes illusions have a function. They can offer comfort, joy, togetherness and something to hold on to. If you take away the illusions and beliefs of a person or a culture, what will be left? Will life not become extremely dull and dark? What will replace it? Is it maybe more compassionate to let people believe whatever they want? Is it even possible to create a society not living in illusion? How would that be?

The result does not prove the cause

Sometimes it is rather shocking to see how gullible people are. For example, you suggest a new disease is spreading. This time it is different. You give it a name: Covid-19 and you connect certain symptoms with it – symptoms of which you know people often have, especially in autumn. And when people get these symptoms, then this proofs the new disease.
Aristotle already said ages ago: ‘The result does not prove the cause.’ Nevertheless it seems that when you suggest something often enough, people start believing it. For example, if you suggest often enough that Jews are bad, smoking is healthy or black people are stupid, then people will eventually start believing it and be at peace with persecuting Jews, coughing or enslaving black people.

Is it true?
Whether the suggestion is true or not, seems to be irrelevant. Is it true that Jews are bad? Is it true that smoking is healthy? Is it true that black people are stupid? Is it true that a new disease is spreading, named Covid-19? Is it true that this new disease is caused by a virus, called Sars-Cov-2? Is it true that we must protect ourselves at all costs against this new disease and that nothing else matters? Do the measures they came up with work? Most people will answer all this with a wholehearted ‘yes’, at least to the last four questions.

The specific ‘Covid-19 suggestion’ has different steps. A suggestion from higher up is oftentimes implemented in stages, in order for us to be able to embrace it mentally and emotionally. In a way, we’ve been prepared for this for generations.

The Covid-19 steps are:

1. Viruses exist. They are invisible, little thingies that can make you sick. Science says so, which means it is true.
2. If you have a virus, you can transmit it to someone else.
3. At this moment a new disease is spreading with the name Covid-19. The virus Sars-Cov-2 is the cause.
4. This virus mutates all the time, which makes it even more dangerous.
5. Measures are required – like face masks, social distancing, closing sport centers, restaurants and shops – to minimize the spread.
6. Vaccines are the only way to control the virus. You do it for one another.
7. A QR-code helps to control the virus.
8. Complete surveillance helps to control the virus.
9. People who don’t believe this, are bad and have to be punished.
10. If you believe all this and cooperate, you are a good person.

Some people submit to all the steps without thinking. They accept all suggestions as the truth. Other people only accept the first few steps. They say: “Okay, so there’s a contagious virus out there and I don’t mind face mask and stuff, but vaccines and QR-codes … that goes too far.”
There are also people who believe the vaccines are not so bad, but they don’t accept the QR-codes. They see crystal clear that obligatory identification in certain areas and places have nothing to do with beating a virus. Then you have people who can deal with vaccinating adults, but get mad when they want to inject the children. In short, there are different levels in the way people accept the Covid-19 suggestions. (The last three steps haven’t been implemented yet, so we don’t know how we will respond to that – if it will ever happen for real.)

Fear makes submissive
One of the reasons certain suggestions are so powerful, is because they stir deep, basic feelings like the fear of death, the fear of getting sick, the fear of not belonging, the will to do good, the natural tendency to care for other people, the fear to be a burden, the fear to hurt others, etc. The question however still is: is it true? Is the suggestion that there is something out there, a new, contagious disease with the name Covid-19, correct? How can we find out?

The facts don’t matter
We can’t find out through the death rates, because they are no different from other years. There are no more people in the hospital either. Statistically speaking, there is nothing out of the ordinary going on. Still, there is a worldwide, growing excess mortality rate because of the side effects of the ‘vaccines’, but that doesn’t say anything about the so called disease. The amount of infections don’t prove anything either, because the test being used to measure infections, has never been developed to detect Sars-Cov-2 or any other alleged virus. Even the CDC admits that. A positive test only means you have a certain amount of dead cell debris in your body, something which is absolutely normal. A negative test means you have relatively few of those waste products in your body, or that the test hasn’t registered them. In both cases it says nothing about the question whether you have Covid-19 or not.

It’s the idea
The test does have a strong suggestibility, though. With a positive test people often think they caught Covid-19 and forget to ask the question what it was again. The most common definition of Covid-19 is: a nasty disease causes by a virus with the name Sars-Cov-2. However, the virus Sars-Cov-2 has never been isolated, which means that its existence has never been proved either. In fact no virus has ever been isolated. All viruses we think we know of are hypothetical. In other words: a virus is a concept and nothing else – but still a very powerful concept!

Rainbow coloured unicorns do exist, until the opposite is proven
There are also people who say: ‘Okay, so Sars-Cov-2 is nothing more but a concept, statistics say there’s nothing out of the ordinary, there is no higher mortality rate than normal, the symptoms are similar to the normal flu and the tests don’t work, but all that doesn’t mean Covid-19 does not exist! It’s still possible that there actually is a new disease out there! If Covid-19 does not originate from a virus, then it must have a different cause!”

These people do believe in Covid-19, but they don’t believe in Sars-Cov-2. They do believe in the disease, but not in the virus. That moves us from: ‘First prove Covid-19 exists, before I believe any of it!’ to: ‘First prove Covid-19 does not exist, before I believe that!’ That’s like saying: ‘First prove rainbow coloured unicorns do not exist, before I believe that. And as long as you don’t succeed in doing so, I assume they do exist.’

What could it be? Is Covid-19 more than the suggestion that has been planted in our minds since march 2020? Is it more than a nocebo?

This brings us back to the reoccurring question: what is disease? What makes people ill? Is there more happening at this point than the power of suggestion? The more people believe in a suggestion and the more that suggestion is repeated, the more powerful it will become. The more powerful it becomes, the more it will be experienced as the truth, as a solid fact. They did a good job with Covid-19, in my opinion. The suggestion is so powerful it becomes a nocebo in itself. A nocebo is the opposite of a placebo. A nocebo is a thought that makes you sick. From placebo’s we know that in 43% of cases they lead to an improvement of the disease. That’s a lot! Often, the placebo effect is much bigger that the effect of the tested medicine. It leads to healing in almost half of the cases!

Can you think yourself ill?
Would the same count for nocebo’s? That seems pretty obvious to me. I suspect it’s even more, but that just another suggestion, which means I’m not sure. However, if 43% heals from a positive suggestion, then it is plausible to assume that 43% becomes sick from a negative suggestion. Imagine this to be true for a second. If this is so, that would mean that almost half of the people who think they have or had Covid-19, have fallen victim to a nocebo effect or in other words, to a sickening thought. They thought they would get sick, so they got sick. Also the idea that the so called virus mutates all the time contributes to that. It’s a way to enforce the nocebo, the sickening thought, and revive it that way.

We also know stress, fear, loneliness and a lack of movement and touch can lead to illness. How big would that percentage be today, of all the people being sick?

The mystery of transmission
Is the mystery of contamination, transmission or infection related to suggestion as well, or is there more? Is it enough to believe you can get infected to get infected? Also, if anything is being transmitted, are these little physical things like hypothetical viruses or exosomes or are they thoughts? Or feelings? Or, even more subtle, could it be frequencies?

After all, we know that feelings and thoughts have certain frequencies, just like electromagnetic fields and electric equipment. For example, if I walk around thinking I am in danger, it is very possible that people in my surroundings start noticing this and start feeling really unsafe because of it. Or, if I strongly radiate the suggestion I am carrying a contagious disease because I believe it myself, could it be that the people in my surroundings adapt to that belief and therefore develop physical symptoms, identical to mine – not conscious of course, but unconscious? Could that be the secret of contamination? Or do people get sick from electro-smog and 5G? Is that frequency possibly making people sick? Or is it a combination of everything?

Don’t touch my belief!
As soon as people have accepted a suggestion, they get invested in it and can get angry, outraged or irritated if anyone questions that suggestion. Me as well! Just as if they don’t feel taken seriously as a human anymore. This means that people have identified with the suggestion. The suggestion has become a conviction. That’s rather annoying, because then people start defending an idea or a concept, not because is it backed up by facts and proper science or because is it firmly rooted in reality, but because they have personalized it. Whether it is true or not, doesn’t seem to matter anymore. It’s then the identification that is being defended and not the thing itself. Even when the thing could be a full blown illusion or lie, people react strongly if someone doubts or wants to discuss the level of reality of that thing.

My God is better than your God
Apparently there is a deep desire in people to maintain a suggestion once they have accepted it. Maybe because it gives them something to hold on to, a feeling of security or stability – which is quite understandable. Also, the more people accept the suggestion, the more powerful the identification becomes and the more passionate they will defend it.

The emotional investment in defending a suggestion can be enormous. People can really get into fights, sometimes even physical, or end friendships and relationships, only because they don’t believe in the same suggestion. That is a religious symptom. In religion this is very clear. If your god is called God and some else’s god is called Allah, then whole wars are waged on that difference, while in fact both are only suggestions.

The illusions from the past
The funny thing is that many people do look through the suggestions and illusions from the past. The past is like an episode of Polygon journal. For example, nowadays nobody believes anymore that Jews are bad, that smoking is healthy or that black people are stupid. Nobody believes anymore that women are on a lower threshold in evolution and that it is her mission in life to please her man. Nobody believes in demons anymore, or in a revengeful god, or in the crazy rules of Catholicism. Not so long ago these were suggestions that were considered to be true. Nowadays we laugh about it, and sometimes we cry about it. We cry when we realize how these beliefs drove us to submission back then and scared us to death, only because we believed in it, not because there was any truth or real value in it. We believed in hell, in sin, in penance, that you would get blind if you masturbated … these were all suggestions by the church and we devotedly believed in them.

Under a spell
Driven by suggestion the most horrible things can take place. I just mentioned the Holocaust, slavery and the suppression of women, but also in medicine massive mistakes have been made under the spell of suggestion and ignorance. Often we only see it in retrospect. Once the hypnosis has been lifted we recognize the spell, but the illusions under whose spell we are at this very moment we often don’t see. In fact we are completely blind for them. We defend them with tooth and nail, just like people did in the past.

A suggestion is not a fact
I don’t want to state here that all suggestions are worthless, but I do want to say that a suggestion is not a fact. Science has become a religion. Covid-19 is a belief. Beliefs are powerful and stubborn. They are contagious. What has happened in the past 20 months, in my opinion, is that indeed a disease has developed. Covid-19 has sprouted from our imagination, from the power of our thoughts, our convictions. The suggestion itself has brought Covid-19 to life – not as a virus, but as a concept. Covid-19 definitely exists as a concept. It doesn’t exist in the realm of matter, but it does exist in our minds and in our emotions. The fear of this suggestion is real. The devastating effects of the measures and the injections are real too. Because we are so afraid of Covid-19, because we believe it exists, even though we don’t know for sure what it is, we create a world where it looks like it exists. Covid-19 is a phantom.

Can you command people to get sick? Yes, I believe so. If people believe it enough they can become sick from a suggestion. See the proof here. Covid-19 is here to stay. Not because its existence has ever been proved (it hasn’t!) but because the majority believes in it. This is the power of suggestion.

As long as we don’t realize how gullible we are, how open we are to suggestion, we will fall prey to powers and forces who will use or abuse our naivety, our docility, our willingness to believe anything they tell us. We will not be self-steering, but we will be steered.

Sanne Burger


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